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Board -> Free For All -> General discussion -> OOA - Pistol walk?

Answers: 2
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# Thread - 2018-11-26 at 6:37 PM
Hey, saw a discussion in game about pistol walking (ads) outside while out of ammo. Some thought pistol walking outside while ooa was allowed and others thought you had to be crouched. So now I'm curious and hoping someone can clarify. Thanks!

Master of Time and Space

Location: Bad Gandersheim
Posts: 1516
# Answer: 1 - 2018-11-26 at 7:01 PM
I would say there is nothing against it as long you are ooa and untill you walk sighted and untill to find the first Weapon on the ground or the Weapon from the killed Enemy, some abuse the rule and use the pistol even they killed someone or passing by a Weapon on the ground or have primary Ammo, maybe should change the rule to crouch only to get rid of the Speed ooa abuse even if empty or not.


Master of Time and Space

Location: Planet Vulcan
Posts: 2869
# Answer: 2 - 2018-11-26 at 9:46 PM
If you are ooa, you type ooa and the system will acknowledge you be saying "Axxiom has announce out of ammo" That is the official way that announce. After doing that you may pistol walk or crouch and use your pistol to shoot targets while you or your target are outside (or both). The ooa is not "free reign to use you pistol" it is "free reign to supplement your primary weapon until you happen across a new primary weapon, namely the first one you see on the ground that is suitable that will not get you kicked if you use it".
So if you are above 30 kills and you type ooa and you run across a mp40, you keep using your pistol since you need to find a bolt or shotgun. If under 30 you pick up the mp40.

On "station" and "sub pens" those maps are considered all indoors so pistol use is allowed anywhere and at any time.
Additionally on any map where the rule set is:
- pistols only
- magnum only
- knife only

You may move with your pistol in hand indoors or outdoors regardless of the map.

To your specific question about pistol walking while ADS. You can move upright (not in crouch) with any weapon including pistols as long as you are ADS. So as long as the pistol use is allowed then walking ADS with a pistol is allowed. That includes while OOA.

Only thing I would say if you are ADS and moving if you hit reload you should either be stopped or crouched. Otherwise you are walking upright unsighted while reloading, and that is not allowed.

We also don't want players to LIE and type ooa and switch to pistol even though they have bullets in their primary weapon still. There is no way to detect that really, so since it is not enforceable by inspection there is no point in worrying about it. We see players type ooa, and it may be obvious if they are doing that seemingly too often. But if you have PPSH and double-tap you are gone be ooa most of the time.

Last edit by BitterSpock at 2018-11-26 at 9:51 PM (1x Edited)
Answers: 2
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