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Board -> Free For All -> Report a player -> Nitroxgl - Ejtia7 - Abdulaziz7

Answers: 2
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Corporal II

Posts: 30
# Thread - 2020-01-28 at 5:43 AM
3 newbies behaving atrociously.
Nitroxgl has been on the server often though. Today, with no Admins, he went full kid on sugar overdose.
Kept running around, calling votes to kick players who were reminding him of rules and calling out names in Spanish, with the right amount of misspellings to avoid autokick.
Mass exodus of normal players due to his behaviour. Got distracted and we were able to kick him and then his two friends who were bocking the Vote for Kick.
While I understand and approve leniency for newbies to develop the new breed of regulars, he is too disruptive and will never learn.
My 2 cents.


Master of Time and Space

Location: Planet Vulcan
Posts: 2863
# Answer: 1 - 2020-01-29 at 7:46 AM
It is sometimes tough to maintain order when there are no admin on. You could become one of them ... hint hint.... :-)

Thread author

Corporal II

Posts: 30
# Answer: 2 - 2020-05-19 at 7:45 AM
Mate, I was an Admin and am a full time Cop.....
No pity from me for stupid kids....I'd be a BAD admin.

Answers: 2
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