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Board -> Free For All -> Not game related topics -> STOPPING POWER vs JUGGERNAUT

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Private I

Location: Princeton, British Columbia
Posts: 1
# Thread - 2014-08-07 at 10:03 AM
Since STOPPING POWER and JUGGERNAUT perks are available at low levels why are they not equal? If 2 players have each of these and the same gun the advantage goes to JUGGERNAUT. Unless you are a Sumo wrestler the JUGGERNAUT perk shouldn`t be this advantageous. Could we make them move slower due to the excess weight accumulated for more heath? Or can we lower the Health of all so these even out? I believe this perk is unrealistically advantageous to the game.



Location: OXFORD
Posts: 891
# Answer: 1 - 2014-08-07 at 11:11 AM
on non hardcore servers, those 2 balance each other out very well. on hardcore mode, i'd need to do some testing as your proposed situation "If 2 players have each of these and the same gun the advantage goes to JUGGERNAUT." i dont think it works across all weapons the same way. but i do see your point.

lets imagine 2 players A and B. both have the svt 40. A has stopping power, B has juggernaut. they both shoot at the same time at each other at center of mass.

we know that a svt without stopping power is a one shot kill weapon to a non juggernoob target.

so player A needs to shoot player B 2 times to kill him where player B can kill player A in one shot. you are right.

but how do things pan out with diferent guns at play?

Answers: 1
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