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Board -> Free For All -> General discussion -> Quick Settings to Improve and make better gameplay in Cod4

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Private First Class II

Posts: 18
# Thread - 2022-01-18 at 9:01 AM
Here you have some commands and binds you can create for improve your gameplay in Cod4, All can be used and you can use this as binds if you like.

In game Option Menu:

Vertical Sync OFF
Dual Video Cards YES
Antiallising 4X (depends you pc system, but recomended set is this) For low pc OFF
Specular Map YES

Rest of settings, use your better perfomance for your specs in your PC.

In Console or in config_mp.cfg (edit the config with notepad and save it)

#Better internet Connectivity / LAG Reduction#
#Put to lower values if you have bad DL/UL speeds#
rate "100000" Or "25000" Or "50000" etc.
snaps "30"
cl_maxpackets "125"
cg_drawLagometer "1"

bind XXX "toggle com_maxfps 83 100 125 250;toggle cl_maxpackets 83 100 125 125"
#max fps/packets must be equal for best efficiency#

# positions chat/say/vote hud in a better place#
cg_hudChatPosition "115 120"
cg_hudSayPosition "115 180"
cg_hudVotePosition "150 0"

#shows fps and positions it better
cg_drawFPS "Simple"
cg_debugInfoCornerOffset "0 465"

bind XXX "toggle cg_fov 65 70 75 80 90" switches between fovs

#for lowend rigs#
ai_corpseCount "0"
cg_brass "0"
com_maxfps "55" [or "60"] [use cl_maxpackets "55" (or "60") also]
r_drawSun "0"
sm_enable "0"


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