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User - Profile
User - StgMordor
Board (17)

Nickname StgMordor
Name Daniele
Surname Piscitelli
Gender Male
Birthdate (Age) 1987-12-22 (36)
Height --
Address --
Zip Code - Location - Milano
Country Italy
Registered 2021-07-12 at 8:28 AM
Last visit 2021-11-14 at 5:43 AM

Email daniele (dot) piscitelli (at) live (dot) com
Homepage --
ICQ --
Jabber --
Skype --
Phone --
Cell Phone --

Hello everyone, my name is Daniele, I am 33 years old and I live in the western province of Milan, in Italy. Fortunately I am not married, but happily engaged! hahaha
With extreme happiness, I notice that there are still groups of people around the world, able to be united even through a simple video game, this makes us understand how easy it can be, to know many wonderful different people around the world even by simply sitting in front. I announce a pc.
Happy to have found an excellent server and clan on which to exchange ideas and spend excellent free time, I hope to be able to dare my contribution to the improvement of what will be granted to me.
Enjoy yourselves!