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Answers: 4
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Private First Class II

Posts: 15
# Thread - 2021-12-21 at 12:18 PM
Sandman must be on his period. He's warning several longtime players, including myself and Herman about crouching because he can't stand being killed by players that are better than him. I WAS CROUCHING OR AIMING DOWN MY SIGHTS!!!!! I told him he needs to take his dose of Midol and he kicked me for being a troll. Sandman is the one being a troll by abusing his admin powers.

I'm done, I won't be back. See ya!!!!!

Master of Time and Space

Location: Bad Gandersheim
Posts: 1516
# Answer: 1 - 2021-12-21 at 12:35 PM
I would suggest to go into Teamspeak and talk to the Admin in a fair and friendly talk , i was connecting right away and only saw the kick, after you were kicked Sandman say, you get kicked because you are arguing because you getting warnings from him, i dont know whats that means to him ,or what you are saying to him.

Thread author

Private First Class II

Posts: 15
# Answer: 2 - 2021-12-21 at 1:30 PM
He sent 3 warnings one right after the other and verbally claiming I was walking upright while reloading my gun right after killing him. I was crouched and told him so. He also warned Herman for the same thing. We both know the rules and do not break them. He kicked me for being a troll after I said he needs Midol. Don't worry, I won't be back on the server again, and this is my final post in the forums.


Master Sergeant I

Posts: 97
# Answer: 3 - 2021-12-21 at 1:35 PM
I was on at the time and you crazy earned a kick. you ran, got caught and got warned. if you don't like getting warned don't break the rules. simple. You got kicked for being disrespectful, just like now on the forum. try acting like an adult.


Master of Time and Space

Location: Planet Vulcan
Posts: 2864
# Answer: 4 - 2021-12-21 at 2:48 PM
Two points:

Players: If you are WARNED and you feel it is wrong - no need to argue since there is no actual consequence unless you get kicked. Perspective of the game is different from both sides. You can both be convinced that each of you is right based on what you see. If you persist on your side being right and the other side being wrong that escalates if the admin is as inclined to perpetuate the escalation as the player is inclined to do the same.

Admin: There is no need to call out every little perceived infraction. Especially for regulars. Without regulars we would have an empty server and no members. Would you want a cop to give you a ticket if you went 56 in 55 zone or if you sped up at a yellow light to make the light. I wouldn't. Its just a game. It just doesn't matter. There is no money or true harm to one's self at stake if a player gets the better of you. Let the small stuff slide. Similar to above - Perspective of the game is different from both sides. You can both be convinced that each of you is right based on what you see. If you persist on your side being right and the other side being wrong that escalates if the player is as inclined to perpetuate the escalation as you as an admin are inclined to do the same.

I wasn't there, every player and admin has a different temperament. Players should not expect that admin must behave perfectly, nor should admin expect that players behave perfectly.

All I know if there was a "arguing with admin" claim, that can only happen if both sides participate.

If you are habitually wronged, then I suggest recording your gameplay via demo. I will believe empirical data over witness testimony. We don't have the luxury of hindsight in that regard.

Answers: 4
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